Additional Resources for Schools
There is a lot of relevant information for schools throughout our resource section! Below, you will find additional posts with data, info, and reports that might particularly interest school staff members.
For more info that is popular with educators, browse our other sections, especially the page on School Connectedness. Also, check out the Educator Newsletter from The Center for Parent & Teen Communication, the Greenfield 4SC Coalition’s post How To Help Kids And Youth Become Good Digital Citizens, and our resource page on Adolescent Brain Development.
Bathroom Reboot
Narragansett Middle School
Phone Free Schools Legislation for MA
Legislation has just been filed in the Massachusetts Senate and House requiring all schools in Massachusetts (K-12) to implement bell-to-bell (all day) phone and social media free policies. The Massachusetts Teachers Association, Education Secretary, and Attorney General have all come out in support. For more information about this legislation, see this Briefing Doc with FAQs, for relevant…
Away for the Day
“Away For The Day” is a movement giving parents, teachers, community leaders, and concerned individuals tools so that they can go to your school and help institute policies where devices are put away all day at school in lockers, backpacks, or turned in.
Peer to Peer MH Support Programs
This issue brief on School-Based Peer Support Programs to Enhance Student Well-Being is a great resource from the Child Health and Development Institute.
Coalition Releases 2024 Community Action Plan
We released our newly updated Community Action Plan on October 27, 2023, at the Fall Full Coalition Meeting. The plan will guide our work until we formally update it again in 2026. The new plan strengthens the Coalition’s vision, mission, values, and strategies to reflect our commitment to health equity and social justice. Each of…
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Summer 2023: Camps and Activities for Children and Youth
Our partners at the Greenfield Safe Schools Safe Streets Coalition have put together this great list of Camps and Activities for Children and Youth for Summer 2023. Take a look and share where you see fit!
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CTC Releases 20th Annual Student Health Survey Results
Over the holiday weekend, the Communities That Care Coalition released the results from their 20th annual survey of middle and high school students in Franklin County and the North Quabbin region. Nearly 1600 students throughout 9 public school districts participated in the survey this past spring, adding to a wealth of information on substance use,…
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Marijuana and the Developing Brain: A Presentation from the Communities That Care Coalition
The Communities That Care Coalition developed this presentation for parents, families, youth, and people who work with youth. Please contact if you would like us to come give this presentation to families at your school or in a group you are a part of!
Regional Snapshot of How Franklin County and North Quabbin Schools are Advancing Racial Justice
On June 9, 2022, the Communities That Care Coalition released a report, How Franklin County and North Quabbin Schools are Advancing Racial Justice. Leigh-Ellen Figueroa presented a slideshow summary at the Coalition’s Biannual Meeting at Greenfield High School. The report is based on interviews with 41 key school personnel from all nine local public school…
New data shows the impacts of quarantine on local teen mental health
For nearly two decades, the Communities that Care Coalition has coordinated an annual survey of Franklin County and North Quabbin’s 8th, 10th, and 12th graders. Each year, The Coalition works with local schools to collect and provide valuable data on teen’s relationship with their school, their families, and substance use. With the tremendous changes of…
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2021 Teen Health Survey Data Released
The Communities That Care Coalition has released the results of our 2021 Teen Health Survey. More than 1,500 Franklin County and North Quabbin students from 9 school districts participated in the survey during February of this year, providing valuable insights into COVID-related health behaviors and concerns. You can view our data presentation here. And you can…
First-Ever FC/NQ PreVenture Training a Success!
We are delighted to report that over the April vacation, 11 counselors from 6 school districts and Clinical and Support Options participated in a 3-day training in a PreVenture Program Facilitator Training. The PreVenture Program teaches cognitive-behavioral skills and motivational techniques to students in a small group setting, based on their personality type. The program has been shown to…
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Inclusiveness Checklist
We wanted to share this nice resource from the JSS School Council. This was designed to help make sure that anyone planning an event had some guidance in thinking about all the different ways to make school community events more inclusive. Please feel free to take and adapt this form for your own purposes! JSS-Inclusivity-ChecklistGo…
What Schools Can Do: a report on local school policies and practices related to substance use
What Schools Can Do: Creative Ways Franklin County and North Quabbin Schools are Implementing DESE Guidance on Substance Use Prevention. This report shares findings from meetings at all of the area districts, including information on local trends in school policies and practices, program highlights, current challenges, and ideas for next steps to enhance existing practices.…
Coalition Produces Local Video on School Dropout
The Partnership for Youth’s Mass Grad Coalition commissioned a report to better understand why local young people drop out of school, and worked with local filmmaker Ali Pinschmidt to create a video-mediated dialogue between youth who had dropped out of school and school teachers, counselors and administrators. Ali produced a 35 minute film with excerpts from the dialogue as a tool to…
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