Additional Resources for Towns and Boards of Health

TRAIN Massachusetts is a gateway to a comprehensive catalog of public health training opportunities, available as part of the TRAIN Learning Network. It’s for Board of Health members and Public Health Department staff, including health agents, inspectors, nurses, and administrative staff.
Find trainings developed by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and other providers in the network to help you advance your skills and knowledge on a wide variety of public health topics.
CTC Releases 20th Annual Student Health Survey Results
Over the holiday weekend, the Communities That Care Coalition released the results from their 20th annual survey of middle and high school students in Franklin County and the North Quabbin region. Nearly 1600 students throughout 9 public school districts participated in the survey this past spring, adding to a wealth of information on substance use,…
Continue Reading CTC Releases 20th Annual Student Health Survey Results
2020 Community Action Plan and 2019 Teen Health Survey Data
The Communities That Care Coalition has revised its Community Action Plan and the latest version (the Coalition’s fifth) was presented for approval at the full coalition meeting on October 25, 2019. Also featured at the meeting: a facilitated discussion about the importance of leading with race in a predominantly white rural area release and discussion of…
Continue Reading 2020 Community Action Plan and 2019 Teen Health Survey Data
Inclusiveness Checklist
We wanted to share this nice resource from the JSS School Council. This was designed to help make sure that anyone planning an event had some guidance in thinking about all the different ways to make school community events more inclusive. Please feel free to take and adapt this form for your own purposes! JSS-Inclusivity-ChecklistGo…
National Academy of Medicine publishes paper on collaboration between CTC and Baystate Franklin Medical Center
Jeanette Voas, Kat Allen and Ruth Potee co-authored an article entitled “The Communities That Care Coalition Model for Improving Community Health through Clinical–Community Partnerships: A Population Health Case Report” that was published online by the National Academy of Medicine (formerly the Institute of Medicine) in 2016. The article traces the history of the coalition and…