Talk.Listen.Repeat Tools and resources to help you start the conversation with your kids about substance use. From our friends at the SPIFFY Coalition in Hampshire County.
“Perspectives on Trauma” on GCTV
Ahmad Esfahani interviewed Leigh-Ellen Figueroa and Ilana Gerjuoy on his series on GCTV titled “Perspectives on Trauma”. On the series Esfahani interviews people from around Western Massachusetts about the topic of trauma. You can watch the interview HERE.
US Surgeon General Calls for Warning Labels on Social Media
The US Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek Murthy, has called for Congress to act to require Warning Labels on social media platforms like we have for tobacco and alcohol. Dr. Murthy argues that the mental health crisis among young people is an emergency — and social media has emerged as an important contributor. He says that adolescents who spend more than three hours a day on social media face double the risk of anxiety and depression symptoms, and the average daily use in this age group, as of the summer of 2023, was 4.8 hours. Additionally, nearly half of adolescents say social media makes them feel worse about their bodies.
Read the full article in the New York Times HERE.
Registration Now Open for May 30th Coalition Meeting
The Spring Full Coalition meeting will be held on Thursday, May 30th from 2:30-4:30pm at Camp Apex! Here are a few details:
- Hosted by Franklin County’s YMCA’s fabulous Camp Apex, a 10-minute drive from downtown Greenfield at 45 Peckville Road, Shelburne Falls, MA.
- Our first-ever OUTDOOR coalition meeting! Dress for the weather: there’s no rain date…if the weather does not allow for an outdoor meeting under a pavilion, we’ll switch over to zoom, and let you know the day before.
- We’re still working out the details of the agenda, but we’ll have a focus on Youth and Community Engagement and Leadership.
- We will be awarding the Sara Cummings Coalition Leadership Award. It’s not too late to nominate someone amazing!
- We’re working on a special treat of snacks made by Franklin County Technical School students…stay tuned!
Register now at:
Peer to Peer MH Support Programs
This issue brief on School-Based Peer Support Programs to Enhance Student Well-Being is a great resource from the Child Health and Development Institute.
Coalition Releases 2024 Community Action Plan
We released our newly updated Community Action Plan on October 27, 2023, at the Fall Full Coalition Meeting. The plan will guide our work until we formally update it again in 2026. The new plan strengthens the Coalition’s vision, mission, values, and strategies to reflect our commitment to health equity and social justice. Each of our 5 workgroups (Racial Justice, Parent & Family Engagement, Policy and Norms, School Health, and the NEW Community Supports for Young People Workgroup) has updated their goals, their membership, and the strategies they focus on. The Community Action Plan is constantly evolving, and we always welcome your input! Check out the new 2024 Community Action Plan!
Fall Full Coalition Meeting Oct 27, 11-1 at New Greenfield Public Library
Please join us for the Communities That Care Coalition’s Fall Coalition Meeting on Friday, October 27th, from 11am to 1pm at the beautiful new Greenfield Public Library, in their large community room.. Register at ASAP (by 10/18 if you would like childcare or Spanish translation) and join us!
We will share the 2023 Student Health Survey Data (with a focus on screen time and social media), vote on our three-year Community Action Plan (check it out in advance HERE and send corrections to, and we will present our Mike Fritz Community Builder Award to the unstoppable Amy McMahan of Mesa Verde!
Lunch will be a combination of Mesa Verde and Chef Tina’s Haitian Food!
While the meeting is old-school IN PERSON, masks are of course welcome and to-go boxes will be available for those who want to keep their masks on and bring food home.
2023 Awardee – Jenna Carme
Franklin County Technical School Health Educator
Summer 2023: Camps and Activities for Children and Youth
Our partners at the Greenfield Safe Schools Safe Streets Coalition have put together this great list of Camps and Activities for Children and Youth for Summer 2023. Take a look and share where you see fit!
Marijuana and the Developing Brain: A Presentation from the Communities That Care Coalition
The Communities That Care Coalition developed this presentation for parents, families, youth, and people who work with youth. Please contact if you would like us to come give this presentation to families at your school or in a group you are a part of!