For Parents, Families, & Communities
Phone Free Schools Legislation for MA
Legislation has just been filed in the Massachusetts Senate and House requiring all schools in Massachusetts (K-12) to implement bell-to-bell (all day) phone and social media free policies. The Massachusetts Teachers Association, Education Secretary, and Attorney General have all come out in support. For more information about this legislation, see this Briefing Doc with FAQs, for relevant…
Away for the Day
“Away For The Day” is a movement giving parents, teachers, community leaders, and concerned individuals tools so that they can go to your school and help institute policies where devices are put away all day at school in lockers, backpacks, or turned in.
New York Times Podcast Highlights Unexpected Harms from Cannabis Use
The New York Times’ podcast The Daily featured some of the unexpected health effects from cannabis, an important listen for many youth, parents, and adults who work with youth. The podcast can be found HERE or anywhere you download podcasts.
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Talk.Listen.Repeat Tools and resources to help you start the conversation with your kids about substance use. From our friends at the SPIFFY Coalition in Hampshire County.
Family Day, 2024
Family Day is a national holiday observed on the last Monday of September each year to celebrate the benefits of spending time together as a family.
Summer 2023: Camps and Activities for Children and Youth
Our partners at the Greenfield Safe Schools Safe Streets Coalition have put together this great list of Camps and Activities for Children and Youth for Summer 2023. Take a look and share where you see fit!
Continue Reading Summer 2023: Camps and Activities for Children and Youth