Surgeon General Vivek Murthy’s Advisory on the Epidemic of Loneliness and the Healing Effects of Social Connection and Community (2023)

In 2023, Surgeon General Vivek Murthy issued this advisory on the epidemic of loneliness and isolation in the United States and the healing effects of social connection and community. This information is important for people of all ages. Content warning: this advisory discusses suicide.

You can view and download the advisory and a one-page summary below.

Full advisory:

One-page summary:

Surgeon General Vivek Murthy’s Advisory on Confronting Health Misinformation (2021)

In 2021, U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy issued this advisory on confronting health misinformation. As Dr. Murthy says at the beginning of the advisory, “Health misinformation is a serious threat to public health. It can cause confusion, sow mistrust, harm people’s health, and undermine public health efforts. Limiting the spread of health misinformation is a moral and civic imperative that will require a whole-of-society effort.”

Part of what we do as a Coalition is provide the most accurate, up to date information that we have, using plain language so that it’s as accessible as possible.

You can view or download the advisory below.

Vivek Murthy’s Surgeon General Advisory on Alcohol and Cancer Risk – 2025

Just before leaving his position as Surgeon General in January, 2025, Vivek Murthy issued an advisory highlighting the risks. This advisory highlights that alcohol use is a leading preventable cause of cancer in the United States, and that at the same time, less than half of Americans are aware that drinking alcohol increases cancer risk. 

You can download a copy of the report below.

Cannabis Safe Storage – Help Protect Kids & Pets

This educational flyer for adults promotes safely storing cannabis products away from kids and pets. In the past few years, there’s been an increase in the number of kids and pets who have accidentally eaten cannabis products and required medical attention. It’s important that adults are aware of nonjudgmental information to prevent this from happening.

2024 Youth Resource Card

for Franklin County & the North Quabbin

12 Olive Street, Suite 2
Greenfield, MA 01301

Supported by the Franklin Regional Council of Governments with funds
from MA Dept of Public Health.


This is an online version of a small, folded resource card created to help youth and adults find help and resources on the go!

Do you have suggestions or corrections? We have limited space on the printed version, but we always love to hear from you – please email Kat with ideas.

Not sure who to call? Try one of the General Information numbers or check out 413Cares.

All phone numbers are in the 413 area code unless otherwise noted.

Helpful questions for when you call:

  • Is the service free or does it cost money?
  • Is it confidential or do I need a parent / guardian’s permission?
  • Do I have to make an appointment?


Fire, Police, Ambulance Emergency: Call or Text  911

Suicide and Crisis Lifeline Call or Text  988

CSO Crisis Intervention (Mental Health & Suicide) 774-5411; 800-562-0112 

Crisis Text Line (any crisis) Text HOME to 741741 

DCF Child Abuse Hotline 775-5000; 800-792-5200

DIAL/SELF Teen Line 774-7054 x4

Drug & Alcohol Referral Helpline 800-662-HELP; 800-662-4357

Mass Substance Use & Problem Gambling Referral Helpline 800-327-5050

MA Smokers Quitline 800-QUIT-NOW; 800.784.8669 

LGBT National Youth Talkline 800-246-7743

NELCWIT Relationship Abuse & Sexual Assault 772-0806 

Poison Control 800-222-1222

Wildflower Alliance Peer Support Warmline 888-407-4515

National Runaway Safeline 800-RUNAWAY; 800-786-2929


Center for Women & Community 545-0800

NELCWIT 772-0806

DCF 775-5000; 800-792-5200

North Quabbin Patch 978-249-5070

MSPCC (781) 861-0890

Training Active Bystanders Program 978-544-6142

The Salasin Project 774-4307

Victim & Witness Assistance 772-6944; 978-544-7376

Children’s Advocacy Center  413-475-3401


Full Circle Adoptions   587-0007, text 552-9168


CHD (Counseling) 774-6252

Clinical and Support Options (Counseling) 978-249-9490; 774-1000

NELCWIT (Relationship Abuse & Sexual Assault)  772-0806

Wildflower Alliance (Peer Support) 772-0715

Service Net (Counseling) 772-2935

Translate Gender 203-9339


Mass Substance Use & Problem Gambling Referral Helpline 800-327-5050

MA Smokers Quitline 800-QUIT-NOW; 800.784.8669

Alanon 800-245-4656 

Behavioral Health Network 301-9355

Opioid Task Force 775-7475

Brattleboro Retreat 800-345-5550

The Brien Center 499-0412

CHD (Drug & Alcohol Help) 774-6252

Clinical and Support Options (Drug & Alcohol Help) 978-249-9490; 774-1000

RECOVER Project 774-5489

North Quabbin Recovery Center 978-249-4989


Center for Self Reliance 773-5029

Community Resources & Advocacy 475-1570; 978-544-8091

DIAL/SELF Emergency Food Pantry 774-7054 x4

Franklin Area Survival Center 863-9549

Franklin County Community Meals Program (Orange, Turners Falls, Greenfield, Northfield) 413-772-1033; 978-544-2149

Salvation Army, (Greenfield, Athol) 978-249-8111; 773-3154

SNAP/Food Stamps 413-475-1570

WIC (food checks) 376-1160; 978.544.8093


Libraries and school counselors are also great sources of information and referral.

Find a public library near you on this list of libraries across Western and Central MA. 

413Cares resource website

Community Resources & Advocacy 475-1570; 978-544-8091

The United Arc (special needs) 774-5558

The Brick House Community Resource Center 863-9576

Center for Women & Community 545-0883 

DIAL/SELF Teen Line 774-7054 x4

CSO Referral Services   774-5411

Community Action Family Center (Greenfield) 775 -1555

Massachusetts Non-Emergency Help/Referral 211

Montague Catholic Social Ministries 863-4804 x2

Youth & Workforce Development at Community Action 774-7028

NELCWIT 772-0806

North Quabbin Citizens’ Advocacy 978-544-7794

North Quabbin Community Coalition 978-249-3703

Seven Hills (Special Needs) 418-8702


Athol Hospital 978-249-3511

Baystate Franklin Medical Center 772-0211

MA Behavioral Health Partnership 800-998-6462

Community Health Center of Franklin County 772-3748; 978-544-7800

Community Resources & Advocacy 475-1570; 978-544-8091

MassHealth/Medicaid 800-841-2900

North Quabbin Family Physicians 978-249-0099

People’s Medicine Project 413 842-4762

Tapestry Health 773-5403

Trans Health 413-341-9400

Valley Medical Group 775-4600

Green River Doula Network


Tapestry Health Harm Reduction 475-3377; 413-221-7722 (cell)


Western Mass Network to End Homelessness website

Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention 800-532-9571

Community Resources & Advocacy 475-1570; 978-544-8091

Department of Transitional Assistance 772-3400; 800-470-5877 

DIAL/SELF 774-7054×4; 978-544-1800

Franklin County Housing Authority & RAFT 863-9781

Wells Street Shelter 772-6100

Citizens Energy Corporation 855-563-4786

Mass Dept of Housing & Livable Communities 866-584-0653

Making Opportunity County Home Energy Assistance, Athol 978-342-7025

Salvation Army 978-249-8111; 773-3154

Greenfield Family Inn 774-6382


Jewish Family Services 737-2601

Center for New Americans 772-0055


The Brick House 863-9576

Franklin County Community Development Corporation 774-7204

MassHire Franklin Hampshire Career Center 774-4361; 800-457-2603

Center for New Americans 772-0055

Greenfield Community College 775-1801

Green River House 772-2181

The Literacy Project 774-3934

Mass Rehabilitation Commission 774-2326

NorthStar Self-Directed Learning for Teens 582-0193

Seven Hills 418-8702

Youth & Workforce Development at Community Action 774-7028


Translate Gender 203-9339 

The Trevor Project (LGBTQ youth) 866-488-7386

CAPV Youth Programs Generation Q 774-7028

Drop-In Space at Community Action 774-7028; text 768-4159

The Stonewall Center at UMass Amherst 545-4824

House of Colors  532-9300

PFLAG Franklin-Hampshire 758-0124

Trans Health 413-341-9400

LGBT National Youth Talkline 800-246-7743


Community Legal Aid 855-252-5342

Community Resources & Advocacy 475-1570; 978-544-8091

Northwestern (Greenfield) District Attorney 774-3186

Health Law Advocates (disputes with insurance) 617-338-5241

Juvenile Court (Grnfld/Orange) 978-544-5125; 775-0014

Mass Fair Housing Center 539-9796

Collaborative Resolutions Group 774-7469

NELCWIT 772-0806

Quabbin Mediation 978-544-6142

Wildflower Alliance (Advocacy) 539-5941


The Brick House 863-9576

Community Action Family Center (Greenfield) 475-1555

Community Action Healthy Families & Young Parents Program 475-1545

The United Arc (Special Needs) 774-5558

Montague Catholic Social Ministries & Turners Falls Playgroup 863-4804

North Quabbin Patch 978-249-5070

Parental Stress Line 800-632-8188

PFLAG Franklin-Hampshire 758-0124

Quabbin Mediation 978-544-6142

Seven Hills (Special Needs) 418-8702

The Salasin Project 774-4307

Translate Gender 203-9339

Valuing Our Children 978-249-8467


Athol Area YMCA 978-249-3305

Franklin County’s YMCA 773-3646 

Big Brothers Big Sisters 772-0915

Boy Scouts 684-3542

Girl Scouts 800-462-9100

4-H 800-374-4446

The Brick House Community Resource Center 863-9576

Community Action Youth Programs 774-7028

DIAL/SELF Youth & Community Services 978-544-1800;774-7054

Valley Playwright Mentoring 625-6569

Seeds of Solidarity 978–544–9023

Hilltown Youth Performing Arts 625-2100

Check into programs at local schools, libraries, and Recreation Departments!  Here are just a few:

Greenfield Library 772-1544

Greenfield Recreation 772-1553

Montague Recreation 863-3216


Franklin Regional Transit Authority 774-2262

Montachusett RTA 978-345-7711

Peter Pan 800-343-9999

Pioneer Valley Transit Authority 586-5806


ACT Volunteer Center at DIAL/SELF 774-7054 x7

Big Brothers Big Sisters 772-0915

The Brick House 863-9576

Community Action Family Center (Greenfield) 475-1555

Franklin County Community Meals Program 413-772-1033

Montague Catholic Social Ministries 863-4804 x2

Franklin County’s YMCA 773-3646 (YMCA’s Leaders Club for youth ages 10-12 and 13-18)

Family Day, 2024

Family Day is a national holiday observed on the last Monday of September each year to celebrate the benefits of spending time together as a family.

Racial Justice and Equity Resources

Racial Justice and Equity Resources for parents, caregivers, educators, and anyone who cares about supporting children and youth. Check out tips for talking, videos, webinars, guides, activities, and more!

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, 2023

Monday, January 16, 2023 is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, honoring one of the most important leaders and thinkers in American history.  Dr. King was an American Baptist minister and activist who became the most visible spokesman and leader in the American civil rights movement from 1955 until his assassination in 1968.

Photo credit: “Martin Luther King, Jr. 1964 (source: Library of Congress)” by Mike Licht, is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

A “day on” instead of a “day off”

Martin Luther King Day is a great opportunity to reflect on Dr. King’s work, increase our understanding of his legacy, and take action to support movements for freedom and justice.

Dr. King believed in “cultivating a beloved community.” One way to contribute and stay connected with our communities is through volunteering at community organizations that also further Dr. King’s legacy of work on racial justice, activism, nonviolence, anti-poverty work, and mutual support. Stone Soup Café, Franklin County Community Meals Program (FCCMP), Center for New Americans, Just Roots, The Literacy Project, BBBS of Franklin County, Western Mass Showing Up for Racial Justice and other organizations have ongoing opportunities to get involved, some of which are open to youth and adults. 

Celebrating and building on Dr. King’s legacy is not limited to one day a year! May the momentum from the January holiday carry us into February’s Black History Month celebrations and beyond: into a year-round practice of working towards collective liberation.

Please explore and share these events and resources to inspire ongoing action:

Events in our region

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Celebration at GCC
Monday, January 16, 10:00am-1:00pm
GCC’s Cohn Family Dining Commons
For over a decade, Greenfield Community College has been celebrating the legacy of Dr. King. This year’s event features a program appropriate for all ages, with keynote speaker Kwamane Harris, author of Pushing the Generations: Finding Your Purpose Through the Next Generation, and performances exploring immigration, migration and homelessness from the youth group “Twice as Smart.”
Please RSVP here.

Stone Soup Café’s 3rd Annual MLK Day Pick-Your-Own Film Festival!! We have a list of 4 incredible films/tv shows you can choose from. Make time to watch one (or two? or three!?) of these films before February 1st, then join together virtually with folks from Stone Soup on the first day of Black History Month to share about the films we watched.

Baystate Health’s virtual MLK Day celebration: “It Starts With Me: Cultivating a Beloved Community Mindset”
Friday January 13 from 12-1pm
This event will feature a keynote by Dr. Edison Bond, Jr., Director of Patient Relations at Baystate Health, winner of numerous awards for his leadership, commitment to advocacy, and organizing for social justice. “Lift Every Voice and Sing” musical performance will be performed by students from William N. DeBerry Elementary School.
Learn more here and sign up to attend here.

Writing Wrongs: In the Shadow of the Dream, a Community Conversation
Monday, Jan. 16, 12-2 pm
Edwards Church, 297 Main Street, Northampton, MA
Join this conversation (aimed at adults and older youth) about Ousmane Power-Greene’s novel The Confessions of Matthew Strong and a talk by the author, connecting the ideas and themes from his novel and the legacies of Dr. King and the Civil Rights Movement. Sponsored by Self-Evident Education and The Collaborative for Educational Services (CES)  

Online Resources

The National Civil Rights Museum has a page on Martin Luther King Jr’s legacy. You also check out subpages on the following topics (each clickable within the linked page above): Justice; Poverty; Decent Housing; Better Jobs & Higher Wages; Quality Education; Peace; and more! 

Especially for educators, parents, and caregivers: Embrace Race’s article MLK Day and the Danger of A “Single Story” helps us to remember that it’s important to be careful of perpetuating a “hero” myth when we teach about Dr. King, and why it’s critical to connect Dr. King’s life with those who inspired and taught him. We all have the capacity to make a positive difference. 

The Martin Luther King, Jr. Research and Education Institute supports a broad range of educational activities illuminating Dr. King’s life and the movements he inspired.  The Institute website includes links to documents, other sites, curriculum, and opportunities for further connections.

Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historical Park in Atlanta, GA includes the places where Dr. King was born, lived, worked, worshipped, and is buried. Come hear his story, visit the home of his birth, and where he played as a child.  Walk in his footsteps, and hear his voice in the church where he moved hearts and minds.  Marvel at how he was an instrument for social change. Even if you cannot get to Atlanta, the website includes Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Legacy of Racial and Social Justice: A Curriculum for Empowerment

Learning for Justice (formerly Teaching Tolerance) also has some great resources for educators/mentors.  Its collection of lessons, teachable texts and further reading helps educators bring the work of Dr. King to life in any learning setting.

Civil Rights Teaching is another source for educational resources for Teaching about Martin Luther King Jr. and beyond.

Dr. King’s speeches and writing

“I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality… I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word.”

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, acceptance speech for the Nobel Peace Prize, December, 1964

Dr. King is known for his speeches and writing.  Here is a link to some of his memorable quotations.  Make sure to research the source of the quotation to gain an understanding of the context in which Dr. King said or wrote it.

The Arts provide an embodied connection with Dr. King’s legacy.

Colorlines has a playlist of songs that sample MLK speeches or reference his legacy

Ultimate Classic Rock has 12 Classic Songs Inspired by Martin Luther King Jr.

Check out the movie Selma, a 2014 historical drama film directed by Ava DuVernay and written by Paul Webb. It is based on the 1965 Selma to Montgomery voting rights marches initiated and directed by James Bevel and led by Martin Luther King Jr., Hosea Williams, and John Lewis.

Many artists have been inspired by Dr. King’s work, including Faith Ringgold, an Artist-activist who illustrated King’s Letter from Birmingham City Jail in eight serigraphs.

Other ways to take action throughout the year

Support organizations working on voting rights

Support Black-owned businesses

Black-owned restaurants, grocers in Springfield and across Western Massachusetts you can support

Amherst Area Minority / BIPOC-Owned Businesses

Support BIPOC-, Veteran-, Woman-, LGBTQ-, Disabled-Owned Businesses

Resources about Alcohol and Drugs

Resources and tips for parents, caregivers, and other caring adults about how to talk with children and youth, brain development and substance use, and vaping resources.

Mental Health Resources

For Parents, Caregivers & Other Adults looking for support for their children, teens/youth, or themselves. There is support available!