Black Excellence: André 3000
Meet Dr. Anita Thomas, 11th president of North Central College
Meet the fourth-grade teacher named ‘Massachusetts Teacher of the Year’
Cherelle Lesley Parker (born September 10, 1972)[1] is an American politician and Mayor-elect of Philadelphia. She defeated David Oh as the Democratic nominee in the 2023 Philadelphia mayoral election. When sworn in on January 2, 2024, she will be the first woman to hold the position.[2][3]
Charles S. Modlin Jr. ’83, ’87 MD is a urologist at MetroHealth, a Cleveland, Ohio-based health system. A national health equity leader, he also is vice president and chief health equity officer at MetroHealth, developing innovative programs that strengthen an inclusive and diverse culture and promote health equity for all.
Cyzon Griffin, 23, from the Bronx, NY was crowned the winner in 2019 of the 6th annual Blue Man Group Boston Drum-Off. He is now the drummer for Moon Hooch.
Heather Harding, Ed.D., is the Executive Director of the Campaign for Our Shared Future. She is responsible for the overall health, sustainability, and success of COSF’s work.
‘You belong here’: That’s what I tell other Black women who row
Environmental Engineering Special Interest Group Director at the National Society of Black Engineers