Black History 365: Anna Murray Douglass

We are highlighting examples of Black excellence throughout the year! Feel free to send us suggestions!

“The story of Frederick Douglass’ hopes and aspirations and longing desire for freedom has been told—you all know it. It was a story made possible by the unswerving loyalty of Anna Murray.”

So began Rosetta Douglass Sprague, daughter of Anna and Frederick Douglass, in a speech delivered in 1900 that later became the book My Mother As I Recall Her. It remains one of the few works that focuses on Anna Murray Douglass, in contrast to the hundreds that have been written on Frederick Douglass and his legacy. That neglect is in part due to the paucity of materials available on Anna; she was largely illiterate and left behind few physical traces of her life, whereas Frederick wrote thousands of letters and multiple books. But without Anna, Frederick may never have achieved such fame for his abolitionism—or even escaped slavery.

Frederick and Anna met in 1838, when he still went by the surname Bailey and she by Murray. The daughter of enslaved parents in rural Maryland around 1813, Anna was the first of her siblings to be born free after her parents were manumitted. She lived with her parents until the age of 17, at which point she headed for Baltimore and found work as a domestic helper. Over the years she managed to earn and save money; the vibrant community of more than 17,000 free blacks in the Maryland city organized black churches and schools despite repressive laws restricting their freedoms. When she met Frederick—historians disagree on the when and where their acquaintance occurred, but it may have been in attending the same church—she was financially prepared to start a life with him. But first, he needed freedom.

By borrowing a freedman’s protection certificate from a friend and wearing the disguise of a sailor sewn by Anna, Frederick made his way to New York City by train (possibly spending Anna’s money to buy the ticket, says historian Leigh Fought). Once there, he sent for Anna and they were married in the home of abolitionist David Ruggles. According to Rosetta, Anna brought nearly everything the couple needed to begin their life together: a feather bed with pillows and linens; dishes with cutlery; and a full trunk of clothing for herself.

“It was a leap of faith on her part, but there’s not many free black men to marry, and even that could be precarious,” says Fought, the author of Women in the World of Frederick Douglass and professor of history at Le Moyne College. “If she marries Frederick and goes north, she might be working, but she’s got a husband who’s free and in the North there are schools and their children can be educated.”

The two settled into a small home in New Bedford, Massachusetts, and both continued working menial tasks or housekeeping until Anna began having children. The first four were all born in New Bedford, including Rosetta, Lewis, Charles and Frederick Jr. Meanwhile, Frederick was becoming ever more involved in the abolition movement, and before long, he was traveling extensively to give speeches—including a two-year stint in England from 1845 to 1847—with Anna left alone to raise and support the family. During that time, she managed to save everything he sent back and used only her own income from mending shoes to support the family.

Having the wife act as the family financial planner was common for the period, Fought says. “Within working class households there’s going to be more egalitarian management of the money, and women kept the household books.” This was especially important for the Douglass family, since Frederick was away from home so frequently.

Upon Frederick’s return from England in 1847, he moved the family from Massachusetts to Rochester, New York, where they would play host to innumerable guests involved in the anti-slavery movement, and hide runaways on the Underground Railroad. Frederick also began publication of The North Star, an anti-slavery newspaper.

But Frederick’s increasing fame and visibility came with difficulties for Anna beyond the danger inherent with operating a stop on the Railroad and having a husband who drew the ire of slavers. In addition to the hidden guests, the Douglass home also played host to a number of Frederick’s colleagues, including two white European women. Julia Griffiths, a English woman who helped with The North Star, lived in the Douglass household for two years, occasionally commenting on the lowly nature of Anna’s work. “Poor fellow!” she wrote in one letter in reference to Frederick. “The quiet & repose he so much needs are very difficult for him to attain in his domestic circle.” Another houseguest, German Ottilie Assing, had numerous unkind things to say of Anna.

Frederick’s close affiliation with both these women only added fuel to the fire of rumormongering that followed the family. He was accused of having affairs with both, in part to discredit his work as an abolitionist and in part because of stereotypes of the day about the infidelity of African-American men. For Anna to defend herself would’ve required abandoning the privacy of their home life that was such a privilege for an African-American woman of the era.

“Frederick is very circumspect about mentioning Anna [in his writing] because he’s trying to respect her,” Fought says. “Women weren’t supposed to appear in print. You appeared in print when you got married and when you died. Something had gone wrong in your life you appeared in print at other times.” To respond publicly to rumors about her husband would send Anna down a road she didn’t want to be on, Fought explains, and chip away at her respectability.

For Rose O’Keefe, author of Frederick & Anna Douglass in Rochester, NY, Anna doesn’t get the credit she deserves. “They say she held the household together, but there was so much more to it than that,” O’Keefe says. Anna would’ve been working constantly to manage the guests, keep the house clean, tend the garden, balance the varying opinions of her husband’s colleagues without getting caught in the middle, and keeping their work on the Underground Railroad secret. “It was a tough role, a very tough role.”

And there were plenty of personal low points in her life as well. Frederick was forced to flee the country in 1859 after John Brown’s Harpers Ferry raid to avoid being arrested under the charge that he’d assisted in the attack (though he hadn’t). The couple’s youngest daughter, Annie, died in 1860 at age 10, and the family home in Rochester was burned down (likely due to arson) in 1872. The Douglasses lost over $4,000 worth of goods in the fire, as well as the only complete set of the North Star and Frederick’s later news publications.

After the fire, Anna and Frederick moved to Washington, D.C. While Frederick continued his work, Anna continued managing the home, now with occasional help from Rosetta, as well as numerous relatives and grandchildren. She died in 1882 after a series of strokes, leaving behind a legacy that few people ever thought to explore.

“People judge Anna to not be good enough for their great, darling Douglass,” Fought says. “Some of it is racially prejudiced because she’s darker skinned. They don’t believe she’s pretty enough.” But even though she left only the slightest mark on the written record of the past, Fought argues that there are still ways to understand some of what her life was like and who she was.

“[People like Anna] did leave an impression on the historical record by doing things. You have to be quiet and listen to the choice they made and understand the context and the other possible choices they had,” Fought says. “In that empathy, we understand more about their lives. Often you don’t get them, but you get the outlines of where they were, and an idea of what going through their life would’ve been like.”

For Anna, it was a life of working in the background and often being held to unfair standards. But it was also a life of freedom, and numerous children who had the advantage of an education, and who continued coming to her for advice and solace until the end of her life.

Lorraine Boissoneault is a contributing writer to covering history and archaeology. She has previously written for The Atlantic, Salon, Nautilus and others. She is also the author of The Last Voyageurs: Retracing La Salle’s Journey Across America. Website:

Black History 365: Ifeanyi Nsofor

We are highlighting examples of Black excellence throughout the year! Feel free to send us suggestions!

Ifeanyi Nsofor is a public health physician from Nigeria. Dr. Nsofor is Director of Policy and Advocacy at Nigeria Health Watch and leads the organisations’ advocacy interventions. He is a leading advocate for universal health coverage in Nigeria. He serves as CEO of EpiAFRIC. Ifeanyi received his medical degree from Nnamdi Azikiwe University School of Medicine. As a 2006 Ford Foundation International Fellow at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Ifeanyi obtained a Masters in Community Health degree. He is an alumnus of Harvard Kennedy School’s Strategic Frameworks for Non-profit Organizations. He has led 17 research projects across Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea, Ghana and Nigeria. He was Co-Lead of evaluation of African Union intervention for Ebola Outbreak in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. Ifeanyi is a 2018 New Voices Fellow at the Aspen Institute. He has spoken at TEDxOguiRoad on “without health, we have nothing.”

Fellowship Focus: Increased advocacy for health equity in achieving universal health coverage in Nigeria.

Black History 365: Alexis Nicole Nelson

We are highlighting examples of Black excellence throughout the year! Feel free to send us suggestions!

The recipe for a wildly successful TikTok account — at least, for Alexis Nikole Nelson — is to post entirely about foraging.

Known on social media as “Black Forager”, Nelson has drawn in more than 2 million followers. For those not familiar with the term, Nelson says foraging is essentially “a very fun way to say, I eat plants that do not belong to me and I teach other people how to do the same thing.” The videos she posts showcase her collecting and cooking everything from acorns to yellow dandelions to dead man’s fingers (AKA the seaweed codium fragile.)

But for Nelson, foraging goes beyond rummaging around in other peoples’ shrubbery. It’s a way to connect with African American and Indigenous food traditions that many people were discouraged — or actively prevented — from accessing.

Our play cousins at TED Radio Hour spoke to Nelson about foraging, followers, and finding cultural (and literal) roots. Their conversation, hosted by Manoush Zomorodi, has been edited and condensed for clarity.

Zomorodi: So when you forage, Alexis, you walk into your backyard or into a forest. What do you see that most of us don’t? It’s like a supermarket, basically, for you?

Nelson: It’s like Disney World, but full of plants and much cheaper food. You walk in and you see this very vibrant ecosystem that we are a part of. And there’s something so fulfilling about it, right? You’re just like, I pulled this out of the ground, and now it’s sustaining me! So I look into natural spaces and I just see wonder.

Do you remember the first time you went foraging as a kid?

I remember gardening with my mother at the house I grew up in. One day stands out in my mind when I was probably not helping at all. And my mom pointed out some grass in our yard that looked different than all of the other grass, which, until she pointed it out to me, I had never noticed. So my mom tells me to go and break some for her. I break it and suddenly, the air is perfumed with garlic. And she’s like, “That is onion grass. You know how we sometimes cook with green onions? You can cook with that too.” And warning, if you tell a five-year-old that, they will just start breaking plants in your yard and seeing if magical smells emanate from them.

And probably eating them! So your mom was very into plants, clearly. Did you get your love of food and gardening and the outdoors from your parents, do you think?

Absolutely. On my dad’s side of the family, his mom is also of an Indigenous ancestry — Iroquois ancestry — so as a kid, he was being exposed to foodways that some of his peers weren’t necessarily. And my dad is excellent in the kitchen. It was really this kind of coming together of the two things — cooking and gardening — that I enjoyed doing with my parents most as a kid. And I’m very lucky to be a Black kid who grew up with two Black parents who were also very outdoorsy, because not all of us get that. There’s been this cultural separation between a lot of Black folks and the outdoors.

Alexis Nikole Nelson is behind the popular TikTok and Instagram videos based on her experience and advice on foraging. Tim Johnson/Columbus Monthly Magazine

But historically there wasn’t that same separation, right? And you’ve been studying just what happened. Can you explain?

So back when a lot of Black folks were still enslaved, there was a whole lot of knowledge trading between Black folks and Indigenous folks in a lot of the southern states — and a lot of midwestern and northern states, too, actually. And for a lot of people who were enslaved, the way that you beefed up the meager meals or the scraps that you were given was often by supplementing with foraging, with trapping, with fishing. So that knowledge that was a huge part of early Black culture here in the Americas.

After Black people were emancipated, suddenly laws were put in place very rapidly about only being able to reap the benefits of land that you owned. And if you are newly freed, odds are you do not own land. So if you can’t hunt and forage on public property, and you don’t yet have private property to your name, boom, that is a part of your life that you are not partaking in anymore. And it doesn’t take a whole lot of generations passing for that knowledge to just fall away completely.

And is it true, then, that when there was an opportunity to go foraging once again, some people thought, ‘Well, I don’t have the handed down knowledge, and anyway, only poor people would do that’?

Yeah, you have this really weird thing happen in the 20th century where everyone is, like, wanting to show off wealth. So foraging kind of became taboo even if you did have the knowledge to do it — and that was regardless of race. Foraging very much got looked down upon because the thinking was, why would you be heading down to the creek to gather pawpaws when you can go to the grocery store and get a banana?

And in the 1950s and 1960s, being a Black person out in nature, out in the woods, out in predominantly white spaces was a very scary thing to do. For the sake of your safety, that’s not a space that you would want to necessarily be in. So it was kind of like a three-combo punch to us culturally moving away from getting to know our natural spaces. And I am one of myriad people who is actively trying to combat that.

Do you feel like it’s working? Like, what kind of feedback do you get from your followers?

One of the best days I think I’ve ever had in my life, I was out foraging and a girl who also happens to be Black — probably a teenager — she runs up to me and she’s like, “You are that girl from Tik Tok!” And I was like, “Oh, my god yes!” And she was so excited. So I got to take her and show her what I was there harvesting. I got to give her and her mom a cut-leaved toothwort leaf so they could taste the spicy brassica-y-ness from it.

And the way that her and her friends and her mom’s face lit up, I went home and I cried. I cried for like a solid 20 minutes because that’s — oh my gosh it’s, like, almost overwhelming. And the thing that stuck with me was she was just like, “You’re doing this for the culture.” Man, I’m starting to tear up just thinking about it now.

In some ways, through foraging, you are helping people reconnect with their own history and the ways people used to eat off the land, in a seasonal, sustainable way.

Yeah. So many of us have such a fraught relationship with food. A lot of that is due in part to societal pressures. A lot of that is due to how processed food is. And I personally have had a historically very fraught relationship with food. I grew up very overweight, and I was always being pressured to eat less, cook less. I, full disclosure, dealt with an eating disorder in my early and my mid-20s in which food was very much the enemy — in which I trained myself to stop thinking about this subject that I had loved thinking about and dreaming about my entire childhood.

In a way, diving back into foraging was the way that I fell back in love with food. It was not on purpose. I was super poor after college, living in a house with five of my friends and wanting to eat things other than ramen and canned vegetables. And so I was like, well, you know, let me turn to some of that weird knowledge that I had been amassing for no reason as a kid. And it just brought me this joy and this connection to place that I didn’t have at that point in time. So much so that I went out and I sought out more information, and I got more bold with my cooking and started being willing to put flour and bread into my food again. And I was willing to make sweet things again. There’s something soul-nourishing about caring about how you’re nourishing your body.

To hear more of Manoush’s conversation with Alexis, visit

Please Note: If done incorrectly, foraging can pose serious risks. Those who choose to pursue foraging should conduct thorough research from multiple credible sources, consult experts, and exercise caution.

Black History 365: Derrick Young Jr.

We are highlighting examples of Black excellence throughout the year! Feel free to send us suggestions!

Derrick Young Jr. is a champion for social justice and equity. He is the Co-founder and Executive Director of Leadership Brainery, a non-profit organization addressing unequal access to advanced education and workforce leadership opportunities for minoritized communities.

Derrick’s commitment to fostering equity stems back earlier than he remembers. It was heightened in college when he received acceptance into the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Undergraduate Public Health Scholars Program. He learned that we must search fully upstream to find what is causing our most vast societal inequities. He identified systemic restrictions to accessing adequate information, education, and opportunities as the main factors.

After studying at Tufts University School of Medicine’s Public Health Program, Derrick led an HIV prevention awareness campaign and testing initiative at Codman Square Health Center, decreasing stigma and increasing testing for Dorchester’s high-risk populations. He later became the Policy and Strategy Specialist for Intergovernmental Relations at the Boston Public Health Commission. At BPHC, he represented the City of Boston on local and statewide public health coalitions, drafted priority legislation, and prepared the annual operating budget for approval by the City Council. When the coronavirus pandemic began in 2020, he was assigned to the Boston Medical Intelligence Center as the Information Box Supervisor, providing colleagues, elected officials, first-responders, and local residents with rapidly evolving coronavirus updates and resources.

Derrick is the former Membership Chair of Harvard University Center for AIDS Research Community Advisory Board and former Tufts Public Health Alumni Association President. He currently holds community leadership roles as a Tufts Alumni Council member and United Negro College Fund New England Leadership Council member.

Derrick earned his Masters of Public Health degree with a Health Services Management and Policy concentration from Tufts University School of Medicine and his BA in Psychology from Grambling State University. He also earned his Certificate in Disruptive Strategy from Harvard Business School.

See Young’s work on the Covid-19 Impact on Black America

Black History 365: Parker McMullen Bushman

We are highlighting examples of Black excellence throughout the year! Feel free to send us suggestions!

Meet Parker McMullen Bushman, Chief Operating Officer and Co-founder of Inclusive Journeys, and founder of Ecoinclusive Strategies. Parker is a dynamic speaker and facilitator that engages organizations in new thinking around what it means to be a diversity change-agent and create dynamic organizational change. Parker’s background in the non-profit leadership, conservation, environmental education and outdoor recreation fields spans over 24+ years. Parker has a passion for equity and inclusion in outdoor spaces. Her interest in justice, accessibility, and equity issues developed from her personal experiences facing the unequal representation of people of color in environmental organizations and green spaces. Parker tackles these complex issues by addressing them through head on activism and education. For 9 years Parker has worked with businesses to catalyze action to build culturally diverse and culturally competent organizations that are representative of the populations that they seek to reach and serve. Parker is the founder of the organization called Ecoinclusive Strategies. Ecoinclusive ( provides training and resources for non-profit, cultural, and environmental organizations. In Parker’s role as Chief Operating Officer she oversee the core operational functions of Inclusive Journeys. Inclusive Journeys ( is a tech company with a mission to create data-driven, economic incentives for businesses to be more inclusive and welcoming, resulting in safer spaces for people who regularly experience discrimination.

Parker brings a unique background to this work having served in top leadership for Marine Science, Environmental Educational, and Cultural Interpretive Facilities. Parker has served as the Vice President for Community Engagement, Education and Inclusion at Butterfly Pavilion, an Invertebrate Zoo located in Westminster, CO. She also served as the Director of Education for the Marine Science Consortium, a research and education center located on Virginia’s Eastern Shore. Parker has a Master of Natural Resources from the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point, with a focus in Interpretation and Environmental Education. 

Parker is a member of several committees that focus on diversity in environmental fields as well as a presenter and trainer on diversity issues. She sits on the board of Environmental Learning for Kids, Metro Denver Nature Alliance, the Next 100 Coalition and the National Association for Interpretation. Parker is a Certified Interpretive Guide and Certified Interpretive Trainer.

Ecoinclusive was born out of a desire to make sure everyone has a connection to the outdoors. Especially communities of color that traditional have been underrepresented in these spaces. . Ecoinclusive provides resources for leadership at non-profits and environmental organizations to aid them in building a culturally diverse and culturally competent staff that reflects and connects with the populations that they serve.​

Inclusive Journeys: ​Inclusive Journeys is a company that works to identify safe and welcoming spaces for all. Our first project is the Digital Green Book. We are working to  build a website that’s like Yelp, but for inclusivity. On this website, users can submit business locations they feel safe in, businesses owned/operated by people of marginalized identities. Users can rate a business on a range of things, such as courtesy of staff, ADA compliance, sense of personal safety as it relates to their identity, gender neutral bathrooms, and more. Crowd-sourced entries (like Yelp) will populate “inclusivity reviews” for businesses and recreation spaces. 

KWEEN WERK : KWEEN stands for Keep Widening Environmental Engagement Narratives. KWEEN werk / Earth KWEEN challenges traditional representations of what it means to be outdoorsy by showing a variety of bodies engaged in outdoor spaces. Kween werK is bringing people together in the fight for Justice and Equity. Using Social Media as a tool this Parker shows her many sides as a Social Justice Activist — part Diva, Artist and Educator. ​

Black History 365: Chris Smalls

We are highlighting examples of Black excellence throughout the year! Feel free to send us suggestions!

He was fired by Amazon 2 years ago. Now he’s the force behind the company’s 1st union

“He’s not smart, or articulate.”

Those were the words used by a top Amazon lawyer to describe former warehouse worker Chris Smalls.

Smalls had led a walkout at the start of the pandemic in 2020 to protest working conditions at the Staten Island, N.Y., warehouse where he worked. He was fired the same day.

The memo that contained those biting words was leaked just a few days later. But the words would stay with Smalls. They became the fuel that would drive him to lead one of the most dramatic and successful grassroots union drives in recent history.

“When I read that memo, that motivated me to start an organization,” said Smalls, celebrating the historic victory of the Amazon Labor Union on Friday, making the warehouse Amazon’s first unionized workplace in the U.S.

Friday’s triumph would come almost two years to the day of his firing.

At the time, Amazon said Smalls had violated quarantine and safety measures. But Smalls said he was fired in retaliation for his activism. The New York attorney general followed with an investigation and sued Amazon for the incident and even sought to get Smalls his job back.

Smalls didn’t sit still after being fired, and formed the Amazon Labor Union soon after.

Meetings at a bus stop, barbecue and funding through GoFundMe

Smalls had zero union background, nor did he rely on any established labor groups for funding and organizing power.

Instead he raised money for the operation through GoFundMe. Smalls and his co-founder Derrick Palmer — who’s still working at the warehouse — reached out to their coworkers.

The bus stop used by workers became their gathering place. They’d wait there to talk to workers who were heading home from their shifts. They’d have a bonfire going, with s’mores, and get people talking. They invited workers to cookouts.

“We had over 20 some barbecues, giving out food every single week, every single day, whether it was pizza, chicken, pasta,” Smalls said. He even brought home-cooked food from his aunt to some of these gatherings.

They talked to workers about fighting for their rights,about the grueling toll of the job, how you’re on your feet, doing very repetitive, very physically demanding work, for hours. About the breaks that are few and too short.

No one expected this scrappy grassroots campaign to emerge victorious against the behemoth company. Indeed, a first attempt failed. But Smalls persevered, eventually meeting the 30% threshold necessary to hold a vote.

Amazon got Smalls arrested for trespassing

Amazon, meanwhile, spent millions of dollars on labor consultants to fight the union campaigns. The company held mandatory meetings with workers in the warehouse, urging them to vote No.

Amazon even had Smalls and a couple other organizers arrested for trespassing while they were delivering food and union materials to the warehouse parking lot earlier this year.

Amazon’s argument to workers is that it is already a great place to work, without a union. It offers competitive pay, and generous benefits like health care coverage for full time employees and full tuition for college.

But Smalls’ efforts clearly bore fruit.

Almost 5,000 workers cast their ballots and the votes to form a union were won by a significant margin — more than 500 votes.

Amazon had wanted to belittle the union drive two years ago, when as part of its PR strategy the company said it would make Smalls “the face of the entire union/organizing movement.”

And that’s exactly what happened. Except today, Smalls has become the face of one of the most successful union drives in recent history.

And Amazon has suffered an embarrassing defeat.

“Amazon doesn’t become Amazon without the people,” Smalls said. “And we make Amazon what it is.”

Editors’ note: Amazon is among NPR’s financial supporters and also distributes certain NPR content.

Black History 365: Betty Reid Soskin

We are highlighting examples of Black excellence throughout the year! Feel free to send us suggestions!

The oldest park ranger, who told the stories of Black women in WWII, retires at 100

There’s no better way to learn history than from the people who lived it. And for years, Betty Reid Soskin — a.k.a. Ranger Betty — brought her invaluable perspective to work at the National Park Service, sharing experiences that otherwise would have been gone unacknowledged.

“What gets remembered is a function of who’s in the room doing the remembering,” Soskin, who turned 100 last fall, has said.

For years, Soskin was the oldest active ranger in the park service, leading public programs at the Rosie the Riveter/WWII Home Front National Historical Park in Richmond, Calif. That chapter of her rich life has finally come to a close: She retired on Thursday, capping a career that saw her enrich histories of the World War II home front with her own experience as a woman of color facing segregation and hours of toil.

While Rosie the Riveter was the famous public face of women’s industrial work during the war, Soskin literally had to create the space to tell stories like her own.

“That really is a white woman’s story,” Soskin said of the iconic bandanna-wearing worker, in a 2014 interview with NPR.

Soskin initially helped shape the historical park in Richmond through planning meetings. Then she worked with the park service through a third-party grant highlighting Black Americans’ experiences during World War II. Her drive to ensure park visitors understand the broader context of the war effort, and the backdrop of racism and segregation, led to her accepting a temp position at age 84, and then a permanent job.

As a young woman during World War II, Soskin worked as a shipyard clerk for an all-Black auxiliary lodge of the Boilermakers union, which didn’t allow people of color to join as regular members.

For added perspective, consider that Soskin’s great-grandmother, who had been born into slavery in 1846 and lived to be 102, was still alive as her family’s youngest members continued to cope with institutional racism — even as Soskin helped the U.S. war effort.

In 1945, Soskin and her husband, Mel Reid, opened a renowned record store — Reid’s Records — in Berkeley that stayed in business for nearly 75 years before closing in 2019, selling soul and gospel music.

Soskin says she has lived “lots and lots of lives”

Soskin has lived “lots and lots of lives,” she told NPR in 2014, including writing protest songs during the civil rights movement and working for years in local politics. Years after enduring segregation, she used those experiences to add vivid life to tours and discussions at the Rosie the Riveter Home Front park.

Accolades have rolled in for Soskin. The California Legislature named her Woman of the Year in 1995. The World War II Museum in New Orleans awarded her its silver medallion. She has a middle school named after her.

And in 2015, Soskin introduced President Barack Obama during the national tree-lighting ceremony in Washington. For that occasion, she carried a unique piece of her own history in her pocket: a photo of her great-grandmother.

It was the same photo she brought to watch Obama be sworn in as president, in 2009.

“It’s a kind of experience that covers years, and decades, and centuries,” she said of bringing an image of her ancestor along to those historic moments.

Black History 365: Keke Palmer

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Lauren KeyanaKekePalmer (born August 26, 1993) is an American actress, singer, and television personality. Known for playing leading and character roles in comedy-drama productions, she has received a Primetime Emmy Award, five NAACP Image Awards, and nominations for a Daytime Emmy Award and a Screen Actors Guild Award. She was included on Time magazine‘s list of most influential people in the world in 2019.[1]

Palmer made her acting debut in Barbershop 2: Back in Business (2004).[2] She later appeared in the television film The Wool Cap (2004) and had her breakthrough starring in the drama film Akeelah and the Bee (2006). She progressed as a prominent child actress with roles in Madea’s Family Reunion (2006), Jump In! (2007), The Longshots (2008) and Shrink (2009). She released her debut studio album, So Uncool, in 2007.

Palmer received recognition for her roles on Nickelodeon, such as portraying the titular character in the sitcom True Jackson, VP (2008–2011), providing the voice of Aisha in the Nickelodeon revival of Winx Club (2011–2014), and headlining the television film Rags (2012). Following her work in the musical drama film Joyful Noise (2012) and the animated adventure film Ice Age: Continental Drift (2012), Palmer made her transition to mature roles with the VH1 original biographical film CrazySexyCool: The TLC Story (2013), and subsequently starred in the thriller film Animal (2014), the comedy horror series Scream Queens (2015–2016), the drama series Berlin Station (2017–2019), the slasher series Scream (2019) and the crime drama film Hustlers (2019). In 2021, she received a Primetime Emmy Award for her roles in the series Keke Palmer’s Turnt Up with the Taylors.

Since So Uncool, Palmer has released three extended plays: Lauren (2016), Virgo Tendencies, Pt. 1 (2019) and Virgo Tendencies, Pt. 2 (2020). She hosted the talk show Just Keke (2014) and co-hosted the talk show Strahan, Sara and Keke (2019–2020) alongside Sara Haines and Michael Strahan; Strahan, Sara and Keke earned her a Daytime Emmy Award nomination for Outstanding Entertainment Talk Show Host. In 2020, she hosted the MTV Video Music Awards, becoming the first woman of color to host the event.[2]

Black History 365: Damola Ayegbayo

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Lagos, South west, Nigeria

Damola Ayegbayo is an Experienced Visual Artist with a demonstrated history of working in the arts and crafts industry. Skilled in Paintings and Drawings. He aims to communicate the power and beauty of black African women, realities of life and morals, through colors and black beautiful women’s faces.

“ The name of my painting style is called ÀBÈFÉ meaning ( pleaded to be loved) which is my native name. my craft is an expressionism style of art,
I use portraits of beautiful black women to speak to society about morals, good behavior, love, and unity. an image of a black beautiful woman always reminds me of how my strong mother trained and brought me up with love and good morals helping me to discover my real self, the concept of using a black woman is a great reference to my loving mother and the role Other women had played in my life, their importance and existence in the world can not be underestimated

He is inspired by his late grandfather that was a painter, sculptor, and ceramist from a tender age, as his love to practice art increased in the university by meeting with greater like minds in the department and visits many art galleries and art departments in other universities, also traveled to historic ancient cities and art workshop e.t.c.

Black History 365: Valerie Thomas

We are highlighting examples of Black excellence throughout the year! Feel free to send us suggestions!

Valerie L. Thomas (born February 8, 1943) is an American scientist and inventor. She invented the illusion transmitter, for which she received a patent in 1980.[2] She was responsible for developing the digital media formats image processing systems used in the early years of the Landsat program.[3]

Early life and education

Thomas was born in Baltimore, Maryland.[4] Coming from an adverse background, she attended Morgan State University, where she was one of two women majoring in physics.[5] Thomas excelled in her mathematics and science courses at Morgan State University and was graduated with highest honors in 1964, with a degree in physics.[6] She went on to work for NASA.[7]


Thomas began working for NASA as a data analyst in 1964.[8][9] She developed real-time computer data systems to support satellite operations control centers (1964–1970). She oversaw the creation of the Landsat program (1970–1981), becoming an international expert in Landsat data products. Her participation in this program expanded upon the works of other NASA scientists in the pursuit of being able to visualize Earth from space.[10]

In 1974, Thomas headed a team of approximately 50 people for the Large Area Crop Inventory Experiment (LACIE), a joint effort with the NASA Johnson Space Center, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. An unprecedented scientific project, LACIE demonstrated the feasibility of using space technology to automate the process of predicting wheat yield on a worldwide basis.[9]

She attended an exhibition in 1976 that included an illusion of a light bulb that appeared to be lit, even though it had been removed from its socket. The illusion, which involved another light bulb and concave mirrors, inspired Thomas. Curious about how light and concave mirrors could be used in her work at NASA, she began her research in 1977. This involved creating an experiment in which she observed how the position of a concave mirror would affect the real object that is reflected. Using this technology, she would invent the illusion transmitter.[5] On October 21, 1980,[8] she obtained the patent for the illusion transmitter, a device that NASA continues to use today. Thomas worked her way up to associate chief of the Space Science Data Operations Office at NASA.[11] Thomas’s invention was depicted in a children’s fictional book, television, and video games.[citation needed]

In 1985, Thomas was the NSSDC Computer Facility manager responsible for a major consolidation and reconfiguration of two previously independent computer facilities and infused them with new technology. She then served as the Space Physics Analysis Network (SPAN) project manager from 1986 to 1990 during a period when SPAN underwent a major reconfiguration and grew from a scientific network with approximately 100 computer nodes to one directly connecting approximately 2,700 computer nodes worldwide.

In 1990, SPAN became a major part of NASA’s science networking and today’s Internet.[9] She also participated in projects related to Halley’s Comet, ozone research, satellite technology, and the Voyager spacecraft.

She mentored countless numbers of students in the Mathematics Aerospace Research and Technology Inc. program.[12] Because of her unique career and commitment to giving something back to the community, Thomas had often spoken to groups of students from elementary school, secondary, college, and university ages, as well as adult groups. As a role model for potential young black engineers and scientists, she made hundreds of visits to schools and national meetings over the years. She has mentored many students working in summer programs at Goddard Space Flight Center. She also judged at science fairs, working with organizations such as the National Technical Association (NTA) and Women in Science and Engineering (WISE). These latter programs encourage minority and female students to pursue science and technology careers.[13]

At the end of August 1995, she retired from NASA and her positions of associate chief of the NASA Space Science Data Operations Office, manager of the NASA Automated Systems Incident Response Capability, and as chair of the Space Science Data Operations Office Education Committee.[9] Valerie Thomas is credited with being the TRUE creator of the 3D imagery


After retiring, Thomas served as an associate at the UMBC Center for Multicore Hybrid Productivity Research.[14] She also continued to mentor youth through the Science Mathematics Aerospace Research and Technology, Inc. and the National Technical Association.[5]

Notable achievements

Throughout her career, Thomas held high-level positions at NASA including heading the Large Area Crop Inventory Experiment (LACIE) collaboration between NASA, NOAA, and USDA in 1974, serving as assistant program manager for Landsat/Nimbus (1975–1976), managing the NSSDC Computer Facility (1985), managing the Space Physics Analysis Network project (1986–1990), and serving as associate chief of the Space Science Data Operations Office. She authored many scientific papers and holds a patent for the illusion transmitter. Her invention was depicted in a children’s fictional book, television, and video games.[citation needed] For her achievements, Thomas has received numerous awards including the Goddard Space Flight Center Award of Merit and the NASA Equal Opportunity Medal.[12]