PEER Ambassadors
The PEER Ambassador CALENDAR AND EVENTS sheet can be found HERE.
The PEER Ambassador FACEBOOK PAGE can be found HERE.
The PEER Ambassador CONTACT LIST can be found HERE (access is limited).
Program Coordinator:
Keyedrya Jacobs
413-774-3167 x155
Program Supervisor:
Leigh-Ellen Figueroa, she/her

Community Engagement Specialist
About the Communities That Care Coalition’s PEER Ambassador Program
Communities That Care Coalition’s PEER (Parent Engagement, Enrichment, & Resources) Community Ambassador Program was started in 2020 by the Coalition’s Parent and Family Engagement Workgroup. It is a collaboration between the Franklin Regional Council of Governments’ Partnership for Youth, Community Action Family Center, Valuing Our Children, the Recover Project, the Salasin Center, the Brick House, and more. The program is funded by the Massachusetts Bureau of Substance Addiction Services.
The goals of the PEER Ambassador Program are to (a) help connect parents to existing resources and tools, including parent education and support programs and basic needs services, (b) help spread parenting norms that promote healthy youth development, and (c) foster greater levels of participant leadership, engagement, and ownership in the Communities That Care Coalition and in the community.
PEER Ambassadors are selected by their Host Agency to provide outreach to other parents and give input into community programs. New PEER Ambassadors participate in a self-paced, online training program, and continue their learning through webinars, trainings, and classes on topics of particular interest. They receive a monthly stipend for their time.
We currently have TEN amazing PEER Ambassadors from FOUR fabulous family-serving partner agencies.
For more information about the program, please contact Keyedrya Jacobs at or Leigh-Ellen Figueroa at
PEER Ambassador Orientation and Training
ORIENTATION: Welcome to the PEER Ambassador Program! Before diving in, please complete the following steps:
Make sure you have the link to the Program Contact Information List in the PEER Ambassador GoogleDrive and that all your information is listed correctly. Bookmark this contact list and know how to find it when you want to get in touch with people.
Read and fill out the PEER Ambassador Agreement & Profile Form. This will help you know what is expected of you and will give us lots of information about you and your skills and interests.
Arrange with Keyedrya to come by the FRCOG office. We’ll loan you a Chromebook (and perhaps a printer) to use during your time as a PEER Ambassador. We will ask you to fill out and sign a paper copy of our Tech Agreement. We will also give you a sweatshirt and giveaways.
The training modules have exercises built into them. You won’t be able to fill out the pages online, so we can give you a printed version of the PEER Ambassador Training Workbook. Fill out this workbook with paper and pen as you go through the training modules. We can also give you a paper copy of the PEER Ambassador Resource Toolkit to use for reference. You can add to your Toolkit as you learn about new resources.
Before starting the training modules, you must take the Pre-Post-Survey. You’ll be asked to take this survey again later. This is not a test – your answers help us to improve the program.
TRAINING: The PEER Ambassador Training Program is self-paced and split into seven different learning modules. These modules were designed by the first group of PEER Ambassadors and developed by EDC Prevention Solutions specifically for our program. If you have any feedback on how to improve the training program please let us know!