Growing Up Online

Resources on Screen Time, Social Media, and Mental Health The Greenfield 4SC Coalition has put together this great list of resources for parents and caregivers about screen time, media literacy, media agreements, hand-picked entertainment, communication tips, internet safety, phones designed for kids, and more!

Screen Deep: The Essential Podcast for Parenting in the Digital Age  Screen Deep dives into the latest research and insights on how digital media shapes child development. Each episode delves into compelling questions impacting today’s youth, offering information parents, caregivers, and educators need to better support children’s health.

Children and Screens – the Institute of Digital Media and Child Development – works to help children and youth live healthy lives in a digital world. They have a variety of tips and information for parents, caregivers, and other adults who care about young people.

Time to Log Off Spearheading the movement to disconnect regularly from digital devices and reconnect with the world offline. Resources for everyone to learn to live happily and healthily with technology.

Your Brain On Social Media  Provides the latest news, research, and expert guidance to help make talking to your kids about social media easier.

Body Electric is a 6-part investigation and interactive project from NPR with TED Radio Hour host, Manoush Zomorodi. They partnered with researchers from Columbia University to come up with recommendations for people of all ages that you can try at home!

Dad and son looking at tablet together and smiling

How to Help Kids and Youth Become Good Digital Citizens is a post from our friends at the Greenfield 4SC Coalition with tips, resources, and curricula for supporting healthy, safe, responsible, and respectful online behavior.

Youth and Online Polarization and Radicalization: FAQ and Tips for Parents is a page on the website for Children and Screens that has specific info about this concerning trend and what parents and caregivers can do.

Wait Until 8th If and when to get a teen a phone is a personal decision, and some parents and caregivers find it useful to use this site’s resources to think through limits and learn about the benefits of waiting until a young person is ready for a phone.

How To Create a Cell Phone Contract Between You and Your Tween Includes tips and examples of a cell phone contract that parents and caregivers can create with their tweens and teens.