Resources about Alcohol and Drugs

For Parents, Caregivers, and Other Caring Adults
Tips for Talking with Children and Youth About Alcohol and Drugs
Marijuana Talk Kit (English) – Lots of great tips to help parents talk with their kids about marijuana and other drugs.
Kit de Conversación Sobre la Marihuana (Marijuana Talk Kit en español) – Lo que necesita saber para hablar con su hijo adolescente sobre la marihuana.
Talk. They Hear You. Mobile App – Cool Mobile App that helps parents practice & prepare for conversations with their 9 – 15 year-olds about drugs and alcohol.
Brain Development and Substance Use
Teen brain development, teen behavior and preventing drug use – From the Partnership to End Addiction, clear info for parents and caregivers on brain development during the teenage years and effects of substance use on the developing brain.
The Teenage Brain Under Construction With Dr. Ruth Potee – a video of a presentation by Dr. Ruth Potee, a nationally recognized specialist on addiction medicine and substance use prevention who lives and works in Western Massachusetts.
Vaping Resources
My Life My Quit – Free and confidential help for teens to quit smoking or vaping, with one-to-one, nonjudgmental support from trained quitting coaches.
This is Quitting (from Truth Initiative) – Free, anonymous text messaging program from Truth Initiative to help young people quit vaping. Incorporates messages from other youth working on quitting. Evidence-based tips and strategies to quit and stay quit. Tailored based on age (within 13 to 24 yo) and product usage to give appropriate recommendations about quitting.
Facts. No Filters. – Aimed at youth, this site has facts about the real dangers of vaping and help to quit.
Get Outraged! – Website for parents to learn how talk with their kids and youth about vaping and Big Tobacco.