PEER Ambassadors

We are launching a new program for reaching out to local parents!  The PEER Ambassador Program (PEER stands for Parent Engagement, Enrichment, and Resources) is a collaboration between a number of different community organizations that work with parents and families.  Currently the host sites include The Recover Project, The Salasin Center, the North Quabbin Community Coalition, and Community Action’s Family Center (who also works with the Center for New Americans).

These organizations have nominated parents who are natural leaders from within their programs to participate in the PEER Ambassador self-paced training program, and then to represent their organizations and the Communities That Care Coalition in providing outreach and education to other parents in the region – helping to connect families to important online and local resources.  PEER Ambassadors receive monthly stipends for their participation as well as ongoing professional development opportunities.

Shared Use and Community Kitchens Webinar

On September 24, 2018, the Communities That Care Coalition hosted a workshop for advocates of community use of space for food production and organizations interested in producing food products for sale or donation. For those unable to attend, the content of the  workshop was captured in a webinar available here.

Inclusiveness Checklist

We wanted to share this nice resource from the JSS School Council. This was designed to help make sure that anyone planning an event had some guidance in thinking about all the different ways to make school community events more inclusive. Please feel free to take and adapt this form for your own purposes!