2022 Awardee – Shaundell Diaz
Three County Continuum of Care
Born and raised in Springfield Mass, Shaundell is a Spiritual Latina, married mom of 4, with Lived Experience of Homelessness. She is currently the Three County Continuum of Care, Coordinated Entry Specialist with Community Action Pioneer Valley who has worked within our communities in many roles over the last 14 years. From working for many local Skilled Nursing facilities as a Traveling CNA, to being a Skills Trainer and Options Counselor for Stavros. She considers herself a fierce advocate in anything and anyone that she can be a voice for. Shaundell co-chairs the CTC Racial Justice Workgroup, is on the RDI Board of Directors, is part of the Hampden County Resource Network planning workgroup, Facilitates the COC Equity and Inclusion Committee, and is a consultant for the “Re-Imaging Shelter” Project led by the National Coalition for the Homeless. Shaundell is a strong believer that systemic changes need to be done across the board, whether it’s ending homelessness, fighting for disability rights, dismantling systems of white dominant culture and oppression, or integrating Racial Justice and Equity into our Social, Economic, or School systems, the work needs to be done.